Tips for Aspiring and Budding Entrepreneurs.

I recently joined entrepreneurs group based in hyderabad and everybody is very innovative in himself. I was lucky enough to be part of them. We organise regular meeting mostly on saturdays so that everyone can exchange some ideas and learn from others experiences.

Recently "Seema Azharuddin" a woman who has helped a lot of people to grow and become successful in their lives, visited us and gave few tips for entrepreneurs. She is known for her vision and her knack of marketing skills which are well tested a lot of times.

These are the some key points which she pointed out and i felt to pen them down here.

1.       Be well groomed, dressed as this all counts when you delivering something and this is the first thing others will notice in you.
2.       Understand the competition (Learn about gorilla strategy).
3.       Have a business plan
4.       Try to have clear line between starting point and your goal.
5.       Have good communication skills. Practice communication in front of mirror as you have to be crisp and clear to others so don’t try to take risks here and be well prepared.
6.       Redraw your business plan, visit it again and again.
7.       Self-motivation is key to success and remember guys this is the hardest part as you only have an idea to sell and work on.
8.       Remember when to step back so plans and benchmark your goals accordingly.
9.       Read, read a lot and learn from other successful people.
10.    Try and fail and keep trying till 114th time you get success.
11.  Do you remember in your school days it was easy to obtain 80-90% marks same goes with business. So if you want funding from some sources it is easy to get 80-90% of funding but real patience and smartness is tested in last 10-20%. So believe in yourself and keep trying.
12.  Once you have your product remember the starting line and ending line. These are the things which will help you to scale up your idea. As you will need to pitch or showcase your idea to others and unless you are clear on your product and what problem you are solving, you will be creating hurdles in your path.
11.     Never go to a meeting without your business card that is the only way other person can remember your name.
