The August Fest Diaries

Finally, Today got a chance to witness August Fest, which is a start-up conference conducted annually in Hyderabad. It started with small showcasing couple of start-ups on hand in 2013. Since then it has grown very fast and with 4000+ registration and 50+ start-up representing themselves for pitching. It was awesome event where you will get to see lot more than start-ups. The main events were keynote speakers, panel discussions, start-up showcase, startup pitching to investors and  random pitching to public. With all these event and amazing start-ups in there list, i can definatly say- they have nailed it.

During my visit, i made list of start-ups who are trying to solve one or the other problem. These young people who are driving their passion will soon be creating a million jobs out there. It is worth mentioning some of the start-ups so here the list goes.

1. Pert - control switch via mobile apps
2. Printnama- Online branding store prints personalized things t-shirts, modals, paper weigh with your face.
3. carpooling service
4. Vaave- helps in building alumini community.
5. Startup with UpGrad
6. Zify- carpooling
7. Build protos- 3d printing and rapid prototyping
8. - 3d printing FabX - their device.
9. Happay- App controlled prepaid Expense cards for employees 
10. LeepZen- making hiring easy. 
11. Couch potato productions- ad short films, wedding-films, music etc.
12. Hiring Ideas- taking outsourcing hiring or recruitment. 
13. Bird- cloud reporting solution.
14. Solar Expo- Charging mobile cycle for charging your mobile & laptops.
15. Farmer raja- control water flow via gsm mobile
16. Oyehappy- surprise you partner via gift or venue or etc.
17. Wedstory- turns you wedding into awesome event. Manage everything.
18. Kitki- education games
19. RoboTest- cloud based testing tool for apps.
20. Makemefool- spoon, glasses disposible products made out of organic material. 
21. Screch proof- provide protection for your vechicles etc.
22. H2O cabs- carpooling 
23. Stockholm- Recruitment platform via getting data for customer etc.
24. Hyperverge- silver their product for classifying photos and storing them on cloud.
25.  Feltso- Reviews portal from friends for all products you will buy.
26. The Chitrakars- Make videos, graphic designing for start-ups, corporate.
27. Loktrix- photography solutions.
28. online market for local fashion stores.
29. Startup Hubs- connecting startups to success.
30. EasyGaadi- aggregater for trucks etc.
31. V-Deliver- Intra state delivery
32. Tin-Man - Homely food, subscription & daily based model.
33. Make drones.
34. JustKapture- delivers photos free of cost.
35. Track & Trail- rent bicycle anywhere.
36. The first meal- delivers breakfast.
37. converts your experiences in adventure.
