Impromptu Speeches

Microsoft and Apple should give their operating systems to any student
enrolled in college free of charge.
     1.      It will help in creating a brand value and reducing the cost of education among students.
a)      Early recognition of brand.
b)      Cost decreases, more focused towards studies.
     2.      Students could help the community grow. (user base and developers)
a)      Help in early adaptation of platform by young minds
b)      More talented, skillful people will be coming for job market.

Technological advancements have made libraries un-necessary.
    1.       Knowledge is rapidly increasing so content is changing so difficult to maintain printed books in library.
Software Working Professional Technical book are getting outdated very soon.
Schools and colleges keep on changing the course material
    2.       Library follows have not much evolved in recent times. Physical stores etc.
Impediment to go and visit the stores.
Limited no. of copies available for same books.

Google should allow users to remove private addresses from their Map
    1.      Personal information could be used to track someone.
    2.      National security is a concern here.

Online education will never replace traditional universities.
     1.       Traditional universities teaching course material.
a)      Feedback, questionnaire from professor.
b)      Interaction from peer group.
     2.       Traditional universities are better at evaluating and awarding grades to students.
a)      Evaluation is proper no cheating environment.
b)      If student can focus on weak or particular areas.

Online education is a fad that will pass soon.
    1.       Successful completion of course by students is very low.
a)      Enrollment rate is high but students are not able to continue by same pace.
b)      No proper assignments produce lack of interest.
    2.       Business prospects are not good enough
a)      High cost for servers, technology developments., low earning.
b)      Universities are finding it difficult to enroll for online education.

In MOOCs, the lecture videos are more important than the discussion forums.
     1.      Lecture video provide basic concepts to students. (discussion form is playground for MOOCs)
a)      Lecture provide key content and motivation for course.
b)      Discussion form provide playground which is important but less.
     2.      Lecture could bring regularity, punctuality to a course
a)      It will help a student going through a course and to discussion forms.
b)       Timely evaluation of course.

MOOCs should charge a small fee for classes in order to pay for staffing and
website development.
    1.      Will help in improving services of MOOCs 
    2.      More universities will come forward to join such initiative.

Online education is not a fad that will pass soon.
     1.       A lot of people are taking advantage from it.
a)      High successful rate and people are getting career prospects.
b)      Alternative to joining colleges without spending much.
    2.       Business prospects are growing
a)      New courses and universities joining hands.
b)      Started specialization in fields

Arrangement is more important than style in business presentations.
     1.      Arrangement help in maintaining interest of audience.
a)      It helps audience to relate themselves in examples whereas style can impress once but could not help in relating content
b)      Audience will grasp the topic more. Topic will leave more remark on mind of audience.
     2.      Arrangement will help conclude and make others understand
1.      It is important for business presentation, lectures etc.
2.       Arrangement becomes important where audience is beginner or novice.

Google hangouts are the best answer to online office hours.
Technology has made our day to day life comfortable, flexible and more robust.
    1.      Have provided answers to many areas.
   Medical, software consulting, meeting, interviews are emerging because of google hangouts.
    2.      You can address globally, have meet-ups because of Instant connectivity and messaging mode.
