RKSV Interview process

Their interview process consist of 2 telephonic and 1 technical assignment.  

Role primary - Back-end but not limited to it.( I am a full stack  developer)

1. First round (lasted 1 hr)
I had a good discussion on my technology stack and some conceptual questions on my present technology. 
I was getting hired for back end role but they also wanted candidate to be familiar with front end technologies. Had a discussion also on why to prefer particular technology and their pros and cons.

2. Second Round (lasted 58 mins)
We discussed some basic things on backend programming concepts. Asked about basic difference between SQL and NoSQL db's. How databases could be horizontaly scaled and where you will prefer which kind of db's. Also discussed some Database concepts.

3. Third Round (technical assignment- due date 1day)
I was given assignment to develop a mobile page which fetches some data from an API and displays it in an area chart. Other thing was to connect to their socket API and fetch some data periodically. 
Technology stack i used - Angular js, Socket IO, D3 js.

I submitted assignment on time but was never given any intimation about my candidature. I was not expecting this after going through such a long process and spending a considerable amount of time. 
HR personal should be more generous about informing candidates about their candidature.
