CC#1: Roller Coaster ride (My Ice breaking speech)

On 7th Aug 1990 in a city Bikaner which lies in the heart of Rajasthan, god gifted a boy to a doctor couple. Clouds thundered and my parents distributed sweet among all the doctors and their staff. That was the day I came into this world.
Ladies and Gentlemen good afternoon to all of you.
I guess everyone has heard about their childhood from their parents. I am glad I also did. My journey has been a roller coaster ride and I hope it will be the same for the future.
I was 3 years old and it was when my parents wanted me to go to school. I never liked to go to school and hated it like a hell. I used to cry so much when my mother or father wakes me up from bed in morning. Within a week my school teacher said, sir, your child is not ready for schooling. Bring him when he is ready. In our joint family, I was the youngest and everyone loved me so much. My childhood days were well spent and were full of fun.
I did my schooling from a private school in Bikaner. I always was afraid of visiting new people and places. That is the very reason I made very few friends during my school days. I remember once my school teacher selected me to deliver morning news during the school assembly. My parents helped me to prepare the speech. When the time came to deliver the speech my legs were shivering and I was out of breath while speaking. During all those years of schooling at least I got enough confidence to start with small things first.
My mother has spent a lot of time in teaching me topics from my workbook. I remember till 6th standard she used to sit beside me and help me in finishing my homework. I never liked studying, instead of that, I liked to roam and wander here and there in the house. She also used to beat me during my exam times when I used to skip my studying time for something else.
After finishing my schooling I took admission in engineering college. I was average in academics but I learned & gained various experiences over the course of time.
My first trial came with looking good. Over the last few years, I had gained a lot of weight which made me look chubby. I started to control my diet and lost about 10-15 kgs in 8 -10 months.
One day my friend told me that he won a 10th prize in 36km annual cycle race of my college. Then I decided I will not only participate but win the race. I practiced a lot for the cycle race and got 3rd rank and the second time I won 5th rank.
Last but not least I finally realized the importance of studies. During all the above experiments I have lot zest of my studies. My GPA has only shown a downward trend. It was in last 2nd year I decided to put my most of attention on studies so that I will be able to get placement from campus.
Someone has said whatever you do comes back to you. I was having 3 backlogs in my 2nd year. I laid down my every sweat in clearing those backlogs in the ongoing semesters. My GPA started to increase from 3rd year. At last, I was able to clear the cutoff of the first division and was able to get 6.013. I am proud of my hard work and took full responsibility for my consequences.
I am happy for the risk I took and result I faced. And as I have said my life has been a roller coaster ride and I am still riding it with having my seat belt fastened.

“Life can be like a roller coaster with its ups and downs. What matters is whether you are keeping your eyes open or closed during the ride and who is next to you.” 

Here is the link to my #CC1
